5 Ways to Stave Off the Winter Blues

The winter blues are a real thing. SAD, or seasonal affective disorder, is a type of depression that is triggered by changes in the seasons. With shorter days and cooler temperatures, it's no wonder that many people feel blue during the colder months. If you find yourself frequently feeling down during the winter, it’s not just because it’s dark and cold outside; there’s actually a scientific explanation for why you might be feeling so glum at this time of year. The drop in daylight hours and lowering of temperature can have an effect on your mental health – triggering the ‘winter blues’ for some people. However, as with all things, we can control how we react to these circumstances. Here are 5 tips to help you beat the winter blues:
Go for a walk outside
One of the most effective ways to beat the winter blues is to go for a walk outside. This will help you get some natural light in your day and encourage your body to produce serotonin, which is the hormone that makes you feel happy and relaxed. And while it is recommended to get 10,000 lux of light per day if you suffer from low mood and low energy – you can’t always control that, as it depends on the time of year, the weather and where you live. So getting outside in the winter when it’s darker out can have a similar effect – helping to lift your mood by encouraging your body to produce serotonin.
Light therapy
If you’re suffering from SAD, light therapy can be very effective in helping you to beat the winter blues. Although there are many other ways to reduce the symptoms of SAD, light therapy remains one of the most popular. In fact, for some people, light therapy is more effective than taking medication for SAD. Light therapy involves sitting in front of a special type of light that mimics natural outdoor light. When you use light therapy to beat the winter blues, it tricks your brain into thinking that the days are longer than they really are.
Exercising during the winter is one of the easiest ways to beat the winter blues, and it can also help you to reduce your risk of depression. Regularly exercising during the winter months can reduce feelings of sadness, irritability and fatigue, while also helping to improve your mood. On top of these mental health benefits, regular exercise can also help you to get a better night’s sleep, improve your focus and productivity at work, and increase your energy levels. All of these things can help you to combat the winter blues.
Help your body and mind with food
Food is such an important part of our health and wellbeing throughout the year, but it can be especially useful in helping you to beat the winter blues. There are certain foods that can help to keep your mood up when it’s cold outside – these are rich in vitamin D, B6, B12, omega-3 and magnesium. On top of these mood-boosting nutrients, certain foods can also help to keep your energy levels up during the winter. These include hot drinks, high-fibre foods, high-protein foods and foods that are high in carbohydrates.
Find support and connect with others
As well as taking care of your physical health during the winter, it’s also important to take care of your mental health. One of the best things you can do to beat the winter blues is also one of the simplest: take time every day to connect with others. Whether you do this by reaching out to friends and family, or joining a local support group, taking time to connect with others can really help you to beat the winter blues. It’s important to remember that not everyone experiences SAD. However, if you feel like the cheer of the winter season is missing from your life, these tips can help you to beat the winter blues.
Final Words
The winter months are a time for connecting inside and out. From enjoying hot drinks with loved ones, to visiting your local SAD support group, there are many ways to connect with others this season. It’s also a great time to slow down, take stock of your life, and make any changes necessary to keep your mental health in check. Winter Blues are no fun, and they can be hard to shake off. But with a little bit of effort, you can make this season a happy one. And there’s no better time to start than now!