Inspiring From The Inside Out

I always think about why I do what I do, why I am The Lifestyle Maven. I don't particularly like writing - though I do a lot of it, I don't care for the way I look on TV and I really wish I could interact with each and every one of you on a personal basis, to see, touch and feel you.
So what motivates me to do what I do? I've always believed in doing what I love to do, especially when it comes to work. But I love to experience everything that life has to offer and it saddens me to see people who don't. My life is full of such rich and wonderful experiences and I enjoy inspiring people to do the same because I believe everyone should have it too.
How I do that is through my blog, e-newspaper, videos and personal appearances. They are the means to an end. I want you to enjoy every bit of your life. In the process, I enjoy life as well and am able to share even more experiences with you. It always fills my heart with joy when I get emails and comments from you. It doesn't matter if it is a critique, a question, or a compliment. All it says to me is that someone is reading, watching, listening somewhere in the world and I have been able to touch someone in some way.
Here is a TED talk by Simon Sinek I stumbled upon which really resonated with me. I hope it inspires you as well.
Warmest wishes,
The Lifestyle Maven