Love and Fear - 40 Things I've Learnt in 40 years

I often tell people that almost every action we take can be boiled down to one of two emotions: love or fear. After moving to the United States, I began to notice how much people's lives were dictated by fear. The news is filled with stories on some harm that someone has carried out against another; natural disasters and threats of impending disasters; new medical information that shows how we're all going to die prematurely, and new-fangled elixirs purporting to be the fountain of youth. Indeed, to watch the news dispassionately, one would come to the conclusion that we were all going to hell in a hand-basket one way or another.
We live our lives looking out for burglars, pedophiles and sexual predators, backstabbing colleagues, envious friends, ruthless bosses, manipulative spouses, unfaithful partners, greedy corporations, and...I'm out of breath!
I've learnt that if you look for negatives, you will find them. If you look for evil, it will find you. This is not to say evil does not exist. I am not so naive as to suppose bad people do not exist. Indeed, they are everywhere. But I also believe people are innately good and people relate to us based on a host of non-physical, non-observable factors.
If you think of yourself as a radio, you will get the programming available on the particular frequency you choose. I choose to tune in to positive frequencies and minimize the static on my channel. I think it is courageous to make an informed decision to trust people until given a reason not to. Many times I have had to remind myself how good it feels to trust that I am safe and I will be fine. Life is good.
As a leader, I'd rather be respected and trusted than feared. Leading by fear is a reflection of the leaders own fear. If I put out positive energy, I make my little light shine to make the world a better place and reduce the stress in my life. Love works better than fear.
This little light of mine
I'm gonna let it shine,
This little light of mine
I'm gonna let it shine....
That little light is the beauty that comes from within. Try it.